
Sspx singles
Sspx singles

Pius X’ and pointedly asked His Eminence what is probably an unprecedented request:

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“In a personal letter to Cardinal Oddi, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy in Rome, a Catholic lady who recently started attending the Latin Tridentine Mass wrote to him on January 11, 1984, regarding the ‘important issue concerning Archbishop Lefebvre’s Society of St. In an article published in the September 1984 issue of The Angelus, the SSPX’s official English-language magazine, Michael Davies related: The priest from canonical considerations regarding the Sunday obligation was manifestedīy what happened next. So the new statute, as it appears in the 1983 Code, reads simply: “The precept of participating in the Mass is satisfied by assistance at a Mass which is celebrated anywhere in a Catholic rite either on the holy day or on the evening of the preceding day.”Ĭanon 923 adds a corresponding detail concerning the reception of Communion: “The Christian faithfu l can participate in the Eucharistic sacrifice and receive Holy Communion in any Catholic rite….” Thus the illegitimacy, both “in” and “of” the sacred minister, was removed from consideration. All the Consultors, with the exception of one, approve such a suggestion, because often the cause of illegitimacy resides in the sacred minister and the Christian faithful should not be punished for such a fault of the sacred minister.” Dunn obtained this information by reviewing the notes of the preparatory committee responsible for the statute (emphasis added): “It has been suggested that the word ‘legitimately’ be deleted. relates: “While the proposed text for canon 1248 had read that the obligation of Mass attendance is satisfied ‘anywhere that a Catholic rite is celebrated legitimately’, the commission eliminated the word ‘legitimately’….” įr.


The right to confect any of the sacraments.” John Paul II Promulgates New Code of Canon Law (Jan.ĭuring the 1983 Code’s preparatory phase, when writing canon 1248 §1, the statute concerning the Sunday obligation, a serious controversy arose within the Committee. Requested, the Holy Father imposed on him the punishment of suspension a divinis according to Canon 2279 § 2, 2, depriving him of Relates, “the secretary of the Sacred Congregation for Bishops notifiedĪrchbishop Lefebvre that since he had not provided signs of repentance as “On July 22,” as Lefebvre’s official biography The person who has received the ordination, however, is ipso facto suspended from the order received.” Someone who is not his subject is prohibited for a year from conferring the 1015, ordains without legitimate dimissorial letters

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Same canonical censures in canon 1383, which states: “A bishop who, contrary to The current (1983) Code of Canon Law specifies the Suspended from the order received, and, if they were to exercise it, they wouldīe in an irregular and criminal situation.” See.” And furthermore, “Those who have been ordained are ipso facto (automatically) Year from the conferring of orders, a suspension reserved to the Apostolic Three days later, the Holy See announced that, asĪ result of conferring illicit ordinations, Archbishop Lefebvre “automatically He went ahead and ordained 13 priests and 14 subdeacons on June 29, 1976.

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Nevertheless, Archbishop Lefebvre considered himself bound in conscience toĬontinue the work of forming holy priests according to traditional Catholic

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Of 1975, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was forbidden by Pope Paul VI to ordain any SSPX Priests are Suspended (July 1, 1976)įollowing the unjust suppression of the SSPX in May Has said on the subject chronologically over the last 40 years. Making, and the only way to make sense of it is by analyzing what the Vatican The answer to the question has been decades in the Z’s blog” has a post addressing it entitled, “ Not AGAIN! ‘Does attending an SSPX Mass fulfill one’s Sunday obligation?’”, the first line of which says, “This keeps coming up. Some people who ought to know better simply want to rehash it and rehash it, and they get it wrong.” With a follow-up document to Traditionis Custodes reportedly coming soon, including the prospect that many will lose their approved Traditional Latin Mass as a result, the question has come up again regarding whether Catholics may fulfill their Sunday obligation by attending a Mass offered by priests of the Society of St. This article first appeared in the April 2023 Edition of Catholic Family News (click HERE to subscribe current subscribers can access the E-Edition by following the instructions posted HERE).

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